Decorative Sustainable Saltwater Lamp

Wireless Handicraft Light-up Furniture

"Too many students - especially those furthest from opportunity - are unprepared for the modern economy and the challenges of the 21st century.

                   Are you into discovering something different? If yes, then this might be a thing for you to catch. If no, then this will  surely make you change your mind!

                   As an Ednasian, a 21st century learner, we were required to do an output with the theme "Wireless Handicraft Light-Up Furniture". You can imagine it as making a furniture such as a chair or a table then making it light up. The trick here is to use a solution instead of batteries to light a bulb.

              This outcome, the process- everything done from beginning to end-  is called PBL. You'd, more often than not, wonder what PBL is. It stands for "Project Based Learning". This activity challenges us to become critical thinkers, inventors, artists while being resourceful and sensitive to perfection in terms of output. We were given an ample time for us to produce our project. It means, best of what we know expected.

             Image result for aisa mijeno
              A Filipina scientist innovated this project. Her name is Aisa Mijeno. She also made the saltwater lamp. It inspired us because its timing, especially the price of fuel and other gas, continues to rise. 

              The team encountered difficulties along the way. But because of the 4c’s(Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration), we were able to handle all those problems in execution. It was the light which took time to solve. How will it work? Will it really work? But that's the point. We have to experiment. We have to fail and to try again in order to learn.

              Although things won't always turn out perfect and will really take tons of tons of patience to finish it, in the end, what matters is that we have gotten a quick view of what tomorrow will bring, on how we must conserve and in how we can make the world better for those that will come after us.
